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about us

OEM Industries: Your Trusted Partner in High-Quality Catalytic Converters

Since the early 1980s, OEM Industries has been a leading name in the catalytic converter industry. Established in 2009 after the acquisition of a pre-existing company, we have continued our legacy of excellence in manufacturing premium-quality catalytic converters.

Decades of Experience and Expertise

Our team of experts has been in the industry for decades, giving us a deep understanding of the evolving technology and regulations in catalytic converter manufacturing. We are committed to excellence, and our experience and expertise allow us to provide innovative and effective solutions that meet the unique needs of our customers.

Rigorous Manufacturing Process for Consistent Results

We take pride in our rigorous manufacturing process, which is why we consistently produce high-quality catalytic converters with reliable performance. Our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies allow us to manufacture our products with precision and accuracy.

Wide Range of Products to Suit Every Need

We offer a comprehensive range of catalytic converters that cater to various vehicles and applications. From light-duty trucks to high-performance sports cars, our products are designed and tested to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Our customers can trust our products to deliver long-lasting results.

Partner with the Best in the Industry

When it comes to catalytic converter needs, you need a partner that can provide the best solutions. Look no further than OEM Industries. Our expertise, rigorous manufacturing process, and commitment to excellence ensure that we can deliver the highest quality products to help you meet your goals and make a positive impact on the environment.

A Better Tomorrow with OEM Industries

We believe in making a positive impact on the environment, and our catalytic converters are a testament to this. Join us in our mission to reduce emissions and improve the environment with our innovative and effective solutions. Trust OEM Industries to be your reliable partner in achieving a better tomorrow. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you make a difference.
